Sunday, September 16, 2012

Only in Florida

OK maybe not in Florida, but who else would have this kinda story?

On my lunch break, I had to run to the post office.  I grabbed my lunch box, took it to the car, and drove off.  Once I got to the post office, I open the front pouch on my lunch box to grab my drivers license, and saw a pair of eyes staring back at me!  It took my brain a few seconds to register what the eyes where attached to and by then the little lizard had registered what was happening, and jumped.  Of course it jumped at my head; where else would it go.  Now, I don't think of myself as an over dramatic person, but I did scream.  This caused the lizard to jump again.  Now the lizard is on my seat and I am looking at it, its looking at me.  I ask it "What are we going to do?" It cocked it's head.  I have no idea how long this little lizard has been here.  I don't know if I carried it into work.  Was it in the car this whole time?  It sure can't stay here though; it is WAY to hot.  I look around for something to hold the little lizard.  I want to catch it and not hurt it.  What do I find but a McDonald's coffee cup...huh, maybe that will work.  The little lizard sees me coming, and what does it do?  It jumps on my shirt!!  OK, fine, be that way.  I got out of the car with a lizard on my shirt (what a sight that must have been in the post office parking lot), carried the little lizard to the grass, and set it free.  I was very happy I saved this poor little fella and no damage to the lizard, or myself.  Well, I did lose my voice again :)

A few days ago the offspring were at a youth group, so my dear husband and I took off to the store for a few minute.  We discovered a Dutchman's pipevine on the clearance rack.  Once I picked it up my husband found a lizard on it.  We gave the lizard a few minutes to run away before we purchased the plant.  (Maybe it never left the plant, like we thought, or it had friends and that is how a lizard got into the car.)

Dutchman's pipevine looking a little sad

I planted the pipevine yesterday. Gave it lots of good soil and some water to help perk it up.  It was really root bound.  I sat back and looked it over.  Some of the leaves are spotted and probably need to be trimmed, but I lost my garden clippers and don't want to mess this plant up.  As I look more closely at some of the leaves I see...

It's just about and inch long
Yep, a Pipevine Swallowtail caterpillar.  It had to have been on the plant when we picked it up.  What an exciting bonus purchase.

Munching along the plant

We also picked up a blackberry (rubus natchez) and raspberry (rubus caroline) bush on sale.


With luck, these will grow and create berries.  They did not come with extra friends.


  1. In cajun county they call it "Lagniappe" a little extra...I care baout the green lizards but those ugly black one nope

    1. Lagniappe I like that. Yes it was one of the nice lizards.

  2. What a funny story. I'm not afraid of lizards in the least, but let one jump on me and I'm screaming like a little girl.

    Great find with the pipevine. Mine is never without swallowtail caterpillars. It was a great addition to my "vine" fencing along the chicken coop area. Although I'm expecting winter here in central Florida will kill it back (as it does most of my vines). With any luck it will return next spring.

    Have a great week.


    1. I am hoping the pipevine makes it but I think it is worth trying.

  3. That is something that would only happen here. The folks up north are always so fascinated with our lizards.
    Best wishes with the pipevine.

    1. That is true when my mother-in-law moved down here she was always taking pictures of the lizards
