Sunday, September 23, 2012

I think I have fallen in love

I have fallen in love with daylilies.  During the week I went and spent a little birthday money and picked up a daylily.  It is Aztec Gold.  It really is beautiful, of course now that I want a picture it is not flowering.  An internet search turned up a few local growers in Florida.  The varitey of the daylily is just impressive.  Of course, so is the price of some of the more unique flowers.  Another search turned up an online auction house selling one flower for $75-$100!  But, man, you should see some of those flowers.

Also, at the nursery, I found a Lady Margaret Passion vine.  After the vine sat outside for just a few hours...

Yep, a Gulf Fritillary butterfly fluttered around.  She landed on a few leaves.  I thought she was looking for a flower.  Nope. She was laying eggs.  The only trouble is, she laid a few on the side of the house.  She keeps laying, well it maybe another butterfly.  I want to plant the vine in another area of the garden, but I don't want to leave the babies with out a food source. 

The eggs don't take long to hatch.  One website said four to six days.  I did find this guy.

Eggs may have been laid at the garden nursery.  But, I still had a Gulf Fritillary find my plant after just a few hours.  How did she find it? 

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