Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life Happens

Life happens.  I would say it a different way, but this is a family show.  The last month or so has been tough, but I realized something:  the sun will continue it's internal thermonuclear fusion reactionthe moon will continue it's pull on the tides, and life will continue in all it's majesty and wonder.

I have proof that life will continue.  My garden is overrun with weeds in just over a months time.

I started my plans in June to rearrange the front garden.  The plants I would like to keep are getting moved into pots.  Everything else is getting mowed, since it is just grass.

Somehow, the idea for a vegetable garden was planted.  The ground has been tilled and seed planted.  I have no idea what I am doing, but the kids and I will try and make some plants grow for dinner in three to four months.

So here is to growing! I believe I will go get a beer after all the hard work today.


  1. Is this your first vegetable garden? If so, you are in for a roller coaster ride! :-) But I can see you are well prepared (beer). LOL - I tend to end a long day of gardening with a glass of wine.

    Good luck - don't give up - and share pictures when you can!


  2. Oh wine good idea.

    Thank you for the encouragement.
