Monday, March 16, 2015

The problem plant

After much deliberation and research the looks like Hemlock-Conium maculatum weed is really Wild Carrot-Daucus carota.  Thankfully a local nursery gave us a positive identification on the plant.  

Now we can begin the rebuilding of the garden.  All the garden beds are covered in weeds.  That is ok since they grow so nice and green right?  The back left corner is going to be the butterfly landing pad.  I have the seed for Milkweed-Asclepias tuberosa they just need to get started.  I really should have started them already.

I just planted Black Krim and Stripped German tomatoes this weekend so we will see how well those do.

Day late and a dollar short on the blooms I took for bloggers bloom day. Oh well maybe next month.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my post on hummingbirds. I answered your questions there and followed your profile back here. Glad to have found your blog.

    The wild carrot is a host plant for black swallowtail butterflies, one of the earliest butterflies in our region to lay eggs, so good to leave it as long as you can. Will burn off in summer.
